doing the blog thing. fifteen minutes at a time.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

sister envy and body image

my sister called last night to talk about our impending camping trip with the family (so excited about that, by the way). she's chatty, which is kind of nice because i have trouble carrying a conversation. we got to talking about our gardens. hers is 11 long rows (it takes her an hour to weed one row). she has not only tomatoes, zucchini and peppers, but also radishes, carrots, corn, beets, onions, canteloupe, watermelon... the list goes on. (and that list doesn't include her herbs on the porch.) and all of these things she grew from seed. *sigh* cue inferiority complex.

i was already feeling a bit down about how well my garden isn't doing, and now i hear that my sister (to whom i've generally felt inferior much of my life) has this gigantic fruitful garden going on. i feel sad. but my garden is better than no garden. and erin says my sister isn't better than me. she says my sister is just more like my dad than i am.

as for body image...
for a while i was proud to be losing weight and getting to a "normal" weight range, but now i'm self-conscious about my body and its... skinniness, i guess. i don't want comments on how good i look, but i don't want comments on how bad i look, either. it's going to take some thinking on my part.


Anonymous said...

If it's any consolation, i spend hours each week either working in, thinking about or learning about my garden and ways to grow more stuff. Personally, I can think of no single person who spends as much time and energy on gardening for such a meagre harvest as I produce. I do, however, also enjoy it much more than anyone I know who does manage to reap much more than they seem to sow. I guess some of us have greener thumbs, others (like me) have greener toes.
Enjoy the holiday.

anna j said...

thanks, bryan. i suppose it is more about the enjoyment than the size, after all. last night jake helped me tear out some dead plants and re-pot our sage and basil plants, and i felt better about my garden as soon as i got my hands in the dirt.