doing the blog thing. fifteen minutes at a time.

Monday, June 18, 2007

reminder to be slow

starting 11:47 a.m.

colin has posted about how his daughter reminds him to slow down and enjoy life. now that jake is here for the summer, i am trying to remember to do things at his pace and enjoy the things that a slower pace helps me see.

yesterday we took turns kicking a piece of insulation foam all the way home from a trip out of the house.

today we went to the farmer's market, and we had a rockin good time. jake helped me pick things out and pay for things, and then he wanted to help carry things, but they got too heavy after a little bit. that's ok. regardless of the hour long trip there and the hour long trip home, it was way more enjoyable than going to the grocery store with a small child has ever been. i asked jake whether he preferred the market or the grocery store, and he said the market because it doesn't have the thing that beeps as you buy the groceries. he said that thing is annoying.

now he's taking the "brains" out of the cherries that he picked out and paid for with his own money :) and i gotta go enjoy that.

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