doing the blog thing. fifteen minutes at a time.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

here or there?

is it better for trash to lie on the street or for trash to be carted to a landfill where it will be deprived of air and thus fossilize in a ginormous mound?

i can't decide. i can't wrap my mind around the idea that putting all our trash in one place (especially with the state of our landfill problem*) would be any better than leaving it on the street.

but is leaving it on the street really better? a "clean" city is more pleasant to live in than one that has trash all over. enviro groups do clean-ups of their favorite natural places... but where does the stuff they remove from "nature" go? to the landfill, eh?

then the issue becomes, what does it mean to throw something "out"? is there any way to safely remove our unwantables away from our living areas without destroying someone else's living areas?

exceedingly tough questions considering how much of our trash these days is NOT part of a natural cycle of decomposition and re-earthing.

i just don't know.

*entirely vague statement with no citation to back it up ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As long as we are talking about trash :) Not only do we have so many more things, the lifecycle of a typical product is much shorter than 10 or 20 years ago. Barring a future technology to shoot the trash into space, it will stay on the planet where it was born. We are shipping a whole lot of trash to poorer countries in Africa and Asia. Soon enough they will run out of landfill too. I don't know what the answer is. But it seems that 100% recyclable and compostable products are the way to go. Before that happens, let's all buy less and enjoy life more :)