doing the blog thing. fifteen minutes at a time.

Friday, July 13, 2007

snapshot this morning

jake says, "we should make a list of chores to do tomorrow." (he's big on doing chores)

i say, "erin had one she wanted to do."

erin says, "yeah, the 27 thing fling!" [a-la flylady's 27 fling boogie]

jake says, "no, not a game!"

we laugh. erin starts in with, "for every job that must be done/ there is an element of fun/ find the fun and snap!/ the job's a game!/ then every task we undertake/ becomes a piece of cake/ la la/ la la/ la la la la la la....!"

jake and i join in as i'm wheeling my bike out the door, "just a spoonful of sugar/ helps the medicine go down..." and it trails after me as i head down the hill


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